Burlington, Vermont

A few surprises in Vermont . . .

Turtle crossing on Grand Isle in Vermont.

June 30, 2019. I laughed out loud when I saw this, but apparently it’s serious stuff. John Thibaud said that when Vermonters see a turtle crossing the road they park their cars and pick up the turtle — carefully — and carry it across the road. The turtles can be as large as 17 inches.

King Kong and the Beetles

July 7, 2019. This was the last thing I saw as I was leaving Vermont. I did a double-take and turned back to snap the picture.  I thought it was a just whimsical sculpture; later learned it was an advertising ploy for a used car lot (although I saw no car lot.) The gorilla’s name is Queenie and she’s somewhat famous.

The Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont

The Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont

July 4, 2019. I stumbled upon the Trapp Family Lodge as I was exploring Stowe, Vermont. I wasn’t aware the von Trapp family had a lodge, much less that it was just a few miles from Burlington.  But there was a sign and then another, and so I followed them for several miles up the mountain, and there it was.  (I learned later it is run by a grandson of Maria von Trapp.)


Across from lodge was the view below. You could almost hear Julie Andrews singing.

“The hills are alive . .. “