Best Laid Plans . . .

Chaos is roving through the system and able to undo, at any point, the best laid plans.
~ Terence McKenna

Best-Laid Plan #1

When I returned from my 2019 road trip to the East Coast, I started thinking about the next trip for the summer of 2020, imagining the itinerary in my mind, then turning to Google maps to chart actual cities and distances.

I wanted to go to Canada, specifically to Vancouver, British Columbia, then head east to revisit Burlington, Vermont, the crown jewel of my 2019 road trip.

Itinerary #1

If I timed it right, I would be in New England in September just in time for the glorious fall colors before I headed home.

Then this happened.  

Like the rest of the world, I didn’t go anywhere in 2020.

Best-Laid Plan #2

After the miracle of the COVID vaccinations early this year, I dug out Itinerary #1 and announced to friends that Vancouver was the destination for my 2021 road trip. Only I changed the itinerary to include  a leisurely trip up the West Coast before I arrived in Vancouver.  It looked like this.

Itinerary #2

Dayle suggested I might want to check to see if Canada would let me in.

I checked.

It wouldn’t.

Back to the drawing board I went.

Best-Laid Plan #3

If I couldn’t go to Canada, I would pivot 180 degrees and return to Burlington, Vermont, with a little southern jaunt to see friends in Houston and Galveston.  I wanted to check out Charleston, SC, which had been on my radar since the 2019 trip, and spend some time in Boston and Cape Code.  And why not throw in a multi-day stop in Philadelphia?

Itinerary #3

What stopped me was the sheer exhaustion of contemplating all those cities, all that traffic, particularly in Boston and Philadelphia. That wasn’t the kind of road trip I wanted.  I wanted a leisurely trip with lots of time in beachy towns with views of the water and dog-friendly patios.

Also, I realized I would be traveling during the height of tornado season. I figured I used up all my tornado-avoidance luck on my 2019 trip through the South.

Then I heard about the 17-year emergence of trillions of Brood X cicadas in the East in early summer. Ewwww!

Then I remembered the heat and humidity that dogged my 2019 trip, which made me vow to never again do a road trip to the East Coast in the summertime.

So, as state after state began to loosen COVID restrictions and open up to travelers, I turned my lonely eyes again to Vancouver.

Best-Laid Plan #4 — Happening Now!

In late April 2021 I dug out my original plan to visit Vancouver.  If I left Durango on June 1, I could could take a leisurely trip up the West Coast and arrive in the vicinity of Vancouver in late August.  Maybe by then Canada would let me in.

It was worth a shot.

I adjusted my original plan to go East to see my family in Kansas and Oklahoma before I headed West.

Current Itinerary

I’m now about 1400 miles from Vancouver, sojourning in San Diego.  I should arrive at the Canadian border in late August.  Hopefully, Canada will let me in!

If not, I still have the California Coast, Oregon and Seattle to explore before I head back to Durango.